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Park Trails



Park in progresse nicosia,cyprus


Nico­sia, capi­tal city of Cyprus, at the South-Eastern end of the Euro­pean Union and in the heart of the Medi­ter­ra­nean, is an inju­red land. Divi­ded in two since the Tur­kish mili­tary inva­sion of 1974, the city kept a Buf­fer zone, control­led by the Uni­ted Nations, and a wall as wit­nesses of this uns­table sta­tus quo.



The Cyprus edi­tion of Park in pro­gress will take place in the «Nico­sia Muni­ci­pal Gar­dens» that sur­round the Par­lia­ment and the Muni­ci­pal Theatre, very near the Buf­fer zone, where artists from Cyprus and from all over Europe will gather to demons­trate the uni­ver­sa­lity of artis­tic crea­tion as a vec­tor of sha­ring and openness.



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