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“the object party“  event 2014  video

Giorgos Gerontides-Yiannis Kotinopoulis


The Object party project explored the process that each artist is called upon to manage the leftover works in his/her studio after the end of a creative process. Questions as to what should be kept or discarded , archived, edited or reused.

A party was organized , sharing the artworks  with the audience of the exhibition we organized entitled "Objectivity Party" . After specific instructions for use were given as to what each viewer should do with these objects . The visitors chose the work of their choice . On their way out they were asked to give their full name and contact details on the list . They were then asked to email us a photo of the chosen object/artwork in the space where it was placed .

By strongly separating material value, in the sense of cost, from the subjective value that each work acquires over time, we tried to explore the time cycle in which an object "lives". By creating a digital archive of works in their new environment.

image of selected objects



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